Emergency Management/Preparedness

Welcome to the Towns Emergency Management page. The town of Tamworth Emergency Management is run by EMD Zach Remick and Deputy EMD Brad Staaterman. 

The Emergency Management Director is responsible for the planning, prevention, mitigation recovery efforts of natural and man made disasters in the Town. Major disaster events that occur periodically within town boundary often requires the EMD to coordinate the efforts of all town agencies for an effective mitigation strategy and response.

The EMD has additional responsibilities and serves as a grant manager for the town by applying for federal assistance grants (FEMA) for any storm damage or disaster that has had financial impact on the town to recover costs. In addition the EMD serves as the town’s overall over-site of the towns Emergency Operations Plan and the Hazardous Mitigation plan that is reviewed annually.

The EMD also works very closely with the  New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management acting as a liaison representative for the town of Tamworth. The NHHSEM provides expertise and resources available to every community in the state upon request of each town to assist in any disaster.