Committee Update - 08/08/2023

The Pool Feasibility Committee has had its first meeting and we’re excited about these first steps toward figuring out if a community swimming pool in our town is feasible and, if so, coming up with answers to some very good questions like: how would it pay for itself? where would it go? what would it look like and, did we say, how would it pay for itself?

At our first meeting we talked about the types of activities that would take place at the pool toward the goal of consensus before all of our other tasks are taken on. Things we talked about included lap swimming, lap walking, in-pool exercise classes for all ages and abilities, water safety courses, swimming lessons, including infant/parent swim time, physical therapy, competitive swimming, synchronized swimming, kayak and canoe safety, as well as some good old-fashioned Open Swim! If you have ideas about activities we’ve overlooked or neglected to list, contact us through the town website.

Just before our meeting ended, the committee briefly brainstormed potential locations toward the goal of developing a prioritized list of options to present to the Select Board and town for input. The locations which came up included the Durrell Road Recreation Area, the KA Brett School, the Town Offices property, the Remick Acres Tamworth Road frontage, the fallow Remick Farm Museum hayfield on Depot Road, and the Town Transfer Station property.

Committee members will continue to brainstorm locations at our next meeting, as well as begin talking about the building footprint.

At this point, we have more questions than answers, and every answer begs a spider’s nest of new, more challenging questions. It’s a difficult, detailed project but we are enthusiastic and optimistic about the possibilities, and will keep you updated on a regularly, irregular basis.